Dr. Soma Subramaniam


Sinonasal Polyposis - A Diagnostic Challenge

(26th ISIAN Congress Kuala Lumpur 2007 )


A Rare Case Of Kaposi's Sarcoma Of The Larynx: A Differential Diagnosis 2007

For Laryngeal Masses In AIDS Patients

(26th ISIAN Congress Kuala Lumpur 2007 )


Aberrant Parapharyngeal Internal Carotid Artery presenting as a pulsatile 2012

oropharyngeal mass - A dangerous entity during adenotonsillar surgery

(2012 American Head and Neck Society Congress Toronto)


Case series of 7 cases of Endoscopic Skull Base utilizing the endoscopically 2019

Harvested Buccal Fat Pad Flap for skull base reconstruction frequency

and Clinical Utility of Olfactory Dysfunction in COVID-19: 

Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

(2019 Annual North American Skull Base Society)

Hearing Loss Due To Enlarged Vestibular Aqueduct In Singapore: 2nd author

A Case Series of 10 patients 

(Published in Journal of Otology, Neurotology Dec 2011)


Endoscopic Surgery for Fronto-Ethmoidal Mucoceles 2nd author

A 15 year experience Involving 42 patients

(Published in Journal of Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Oct 2011)


Parieto-occipital scalp abscess with extradural abscess secondary to 1st author

acute mastoiditis - an unusual presentation of a common problem

(Published in International Journal of Pediatric Otolaryngology Jan 2012)


Radiology case of the month - Bilateral enlarged vestibular aqueduct 1st author

associated with bilateral Mondini's dysplasia

(Published in the American Journal of ORL May 2012)


Olfaction as a soldier-- a review of the physiology and its present and 2nd author

future use in the military

(Published in Military Medical Research Journal 2017 March)


Differential Expression Patterns of EGF, EGFR, and ERBB4 in 4th author

Nasal Polyp Epithelium

(Published in PLOS One Journal 2016 June)


Endoscopically Harvested Buccal Fat Pad Flap in the reconstruction of skull 1st author 

base defects - A preoperative 3D volumetric calculation & analysis

(Published in The Laryngoscope Journal July 2020)


Management of primary optic nerve sheath meningioma via a 2nd author

endonasal endoscopic approach

(Published J Neurol Surg B Skull Base Dec 2019)


A comparison of intraoperative haemostatic techniques during tonsillectomy: 4th author

Suture vs electrocautery- A study to assess postoperative pain scores and

duration to resumption of normal diet.

(Published in Clinical Otolaryngology 2018 May)


Modified endoscopic endonasal approach with a minimally invasive transoral 3rd author

approach-an adjunct to intrapetrous approaches.

(Published in Laryngoscope 2019 Feb)


The Eustachian Tube as a landmark for early identification of the abducens 2nd author

Nerve during Endonasal Transclival Approaches.

(Published in Operative Neurosurgery 2018 September)


Expanded Endoscopic Endonasal Approach to the Inframeatal Area: 3rd author

Anatomic Nuances with Surgical Implications.

(Published in World of Neurosurgery 2018 Dec)


Recent developments and highlights in rhinitis and allergen immunotherapy. 1st author

(Published in Allergy, 2018 December)

Frequency and Clinical Utility of Olfactory Dysfunction in COVID-19: 3rd Author

Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

(Published in Current Allergy and Asthma Reports, 2020 October)

Book Chapters

Chapter 34: Angiofibromas and other Vascular Tumors of the Skull Base 1st author

Book: Comprehensive management of skull base tumors 2nd Edition

Editors: Ehab Hanna, DeMonte


Chapter 69: Endoscopic Skull Base Reconstruction 1st author

Book : Rhinology: Diseases of the Nose, Sinus and Skull Base, 2nd Edition

Editors: David Kennedy, Peter Hwang

Chapter 3.10: Extended endonasal anterior skull base approaches 1st author

Book: The Frontal sinus: Surgical Approaches and controversies.

Editors : Georgalas, Sama.


Elective Operative Lists in General Surgery - A study to identify 2005

causes of case delays and cancellations

(Presented at NS State Audit Convention 2005)


Improvement of pain management in the acute surgical wards - 2006

Pain the 5th Vital Sign

(Presented at National Level Southern Zone Audit Convention 2006)

Poster Presentations at Conferences

A Rare Case Of Gastric Carcinoid Tumour - A Case Report 2005

( 2005 Malaysian Society of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Annual

Scientific Meeting, Langkawi & published in the Malaysian Medical Journal)

A Rare Case of Diffuse B-Cell Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma Presenting As 2007

Allergy & Sinus ENT Specialist Centre
Head & Neck Surgery Singapore

Dr Soma Subramaniam
Consultant ENT Specialist and Surgeon
Copyright © 2024 Allergy & Sinus ENT Specialist Centre
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